Monday, August 13, 2012

Using Fairies as a Theme in Your Home

Fairy art

If you are considering redecorating your home, then you should have an idea of what you would like for the various rooms of your house to look like. It is a good idea for you to first decide on whether you would like each room to have a different theme, or if you would like your entire home to have a single theme. You may want to consider using fairies as a theme for a room in your home. There are many different items that you can purchase in order to provide your home with a fairy theme. You will be able to easily find everything that you could possibly want in order to incorporate fairies into your entire home.

Incorporating Fairies into Your House

Dark Fairy

If you have decided that you would like to use fairies as a theme for a room in your home, then you should start to think about exactly what you would like for the room to look like. You will find that if you go on the Internet, you will be able to see pictures of the various places that fairies are said to live. You can take different aspects of these pictures, and use the ideas to paint the walls of the room to look like a forest. Then, you can begin to incorporate different items into the room that have fairies on them. All that you have to do is use a little bit of creativity, and before you know it, you will have a magical world of fairies right in your home.

Periwinkle and the Disney Fairies

Disney Fairies
Periwinkle is one of the Disney fairies. She is one of the newest of the fairies to come about. Each fairy has her own talent, and Periwinkle's is frost. Her personality is bubbly and fun, and this is a lot like Tinker Bell. Periwinkle wears a dress that is made up of white leaves that shimmer in the light. Her outfit is made to look like frost. Even her hair is white and sparkles. She spends most of her time playing with ice, snow, and the cold. For example, she enjoys sliding down frozen trails as a fun pastime. Of course, she can do this without freezing because she is not human.

Comparing Prices of Fairies Online

If you would like to purchase fairies, then there are a lot of places that you can go to in order to make your purchase. One of the best places for you to search for the one that you like the best is on the Internet. You will easily be able to compare prices of the many different figurines that are available for you to buy. If you find one that has a style that you really like, you can then search for all of the stores that have that specific one for sale. You can save yourself some money by taking the extra time to compare the prices that fairies are being sold for at different stores.

Fairies as a Halloween Costume

fairy house
One of the most popular costumes that women use during Halloween is fairies. These are small winged creatures, and they are extremely beautiful. This is what makes women want to dress up as these creatures. As time has gone by, there have been many different varieties of fairy costumes that are available for you to choose from. You will not have to worry about wearing the same costume as someone else that is at the same party as you because there are numerous different styles of fairy costumes. Even if you find that someone else is also dressed up as a fairy, chances are high that they are wearing a different variation.

Finding Pretty Fairies for Your Home

Pretty Fairies

You do not have to look very far in order to find pretty fairies. There are numerous people around the world that like to collect the various figurines, pictures, and stickers that have been made with these winged creatures on them. Many people believe that the creatures that have wings are beautiful, and fairies are definitely one of them. There are many different places that you can go in order to find fairies for purchase. If you go into your local gift shop, you can be sure that you will find pictures and figurines of fairies there for you to buy.

Putting Your Fairies Back Together

broken fairies

There are many people that enjoy collecting fairies because they are beautiful to look at. However, if you have animals or children in your home, then there is a high chance that you will come across broken fairies at some point in time. In most cases, even though this can be rather disappointing, the problem can be fixed. If you have all of the pieces of your fairy still, then you should go out and purchase some glue. You will be able to glue the pieces of your figurine back together again. Of course, it will not have the same appearance as it did before it was broken, but you will still be able to keep it.

Tinker Bell and the Disney Fairies

Tinkerbell fairy

Tinker Bell is one of the most popular Disney fairies. She first came about in the story of Peter Pan. She had the ability to fly, and when she sprinkled people with her fairy dust, they were able to fly too. She wears a little strapless dress that is made up of leaves. In the story, her personality is unique because she enjoys fixing things and people. If she is able to help someone, then she is always ready to do it. When it comes to dealing with humans, Tinker Bell is known for getting extremely close to them, even when it could be dangerous.

Finding Fairies for Your Home

fairies and pixies
People enjoy collecting fairies and pixies in order to decorate their home with. You can walk into almost any store and find something for sale that has a pixie on it. There are not only figurines that are sold, but a plethora of other items that have pictures of these imaginary creatures on them. These winged creatures have become so popular that you can even find dinnerware that has them on it. If you decide to purchase these items for your home, you can be sure that they will provide it with a mystical atmosphere. Keep in mind that you may end up starting a rather large collection.

The Myth of the Fairies

Real fairies
If you go in search of real fairies, then you may end up walking away disappointed. This is because they are considered to be mythical creatures. Each culture has viewed these tiny beings in a different way; however, no one has ever seen one. In most cases, they are described as having human features, but they are extremely tiny. In most references, you will find that they are either the same size or smaller than hummingbirds. This may be another reason why no one has ever seen one. They have wings and are able to fly in order to get to where they need to be.